Text tool for typing text in the text area. You cannot type text in the Graphics area.
Paint tool for drawing with the current pen size and Border pattern. This tool is used by dragging the mouse in the Graphics area.
Paint tool for drawing straight lines with the current pen size and Border pattern. This tool is used by dragging the mouse in the Graphics area.
Paint tools for drawing shapes with the current pen size and Border pattern. Shapes will be filled with the current Fill pattern. This tool is used by dragging the mouse in the Graphics area.
This Paint tool splatters paint using the current Border pattern. This tool is used by dragging the mouse in the Graphics area. Hold down the Option key before dragging the mouse to make the spray pattern smaller.
This Paint tool enables you to erase sections of previously drawn graphics. This tool is used by dragging the mouse in the Graphics area. Hold down the Option key before dragging the mouse to make the eraser smaller.
This Paint tool fills an enclosed area with the current Fill color and pattern. To use this tool, click the mouse in the area to be filled.
This tool lets you create rectangular hot spots anywhere in the picture. Drag the mouse to create a rectangle. When you stop dragging, a window will be displayed with several options similar to button options (see Card Buttons for more info). To resize click areas, hold down the Option key and drag the mouse in the small black box at the bottom, right corner of the click area (the black resize box will only be visible when the Option key is pressed). To move click areas, hold down the Option key and drag the mouse in any other part of the click. In Run Mode, when the player clicks on the area, the options will be performed.
Displays a window allowing you to select the Border pattern, Fill pattern, pen height, and pen width to be used with paint tools. On color Macintoshes, you will also be able to select colors.